Tuesday 15 October 2019

Draft #3 Summary_Reader Response "Singapore revs up engines for autonomous vehicle race

In this article “Singapore revs up engines for autonomous vehicles race”, Noble (2019) states that a temporary national standard called “Technical Reference 68 (TR68)” plays an important role in developing autonomous vehicles (AVs), which advocates the safety of fully deployable AVs. Noble states that TR68 has established 4 key areas for AVs placement which are vehicle behavior, vehicle functional safety, cybersecurity, and data formats. Noble also wrote about a statement made by Loh Ngai Seng, chairman of the Committee on Autonomous Road Transport for Singapore (CARTS) “in the early 2020s, we hope that TR68 will guide AV industry players in the safe and effective deployment of AVs in Singapore”. As stated by Fitch Ratings, with the implementation of TR68, it will improve Singapore's establishment and acceptance of AVs. In addition, it will entice overseas “autonomous technology” organization to Singapore. 

I agree to some extent with Nobles' main points which are safety precaution implementation and the increase of trend in AVs. However, she fails to elaborate on the negative impact caused by AVs, the benefits which AVs bring to the economy and the time required to build AVs.

To start off, Noble states that TR68 will not only improve Singapore's success and the acquiring of AVs, "but will also attract foreign autonomous technology firms to the country" (p.1) in a report by Fitch Ratings. As this is one of the many positive impacts shown in the article, she fails to mention the downside of AVs, which is the unemployment rate caused by AVs. Based on the article written by Adrian (2016) in The Straits Times, he describes that Dutchman Bram Moelker has been living off as a bus driver for 20 years, currently managing 6 autonomous buses from a workstation. This shows that 1 person is replacing 6 people earning a living as a bus driver. Ultimately, there will be a significant drop in the employment rate due to the implementation of AVs in the long run.

Next, the article states that "New technologies will help us make the mobility of the people and goods safer, greener, and more efficient" (p.3). The article states AVs bring benefits to the environment. However, she fails to elaborate that the uprising of AVs also makes the most of the economic development. Skip (2018) states that policymakers come together to talk about how the radical economic impact of AVs is able to produce $800 billion yearly in profit. Hence, the implementation of AVs shows how a country prospers in the future.

Lastly, Noble states that the representatives from the Korea Transport Safety Authority (KTSA) said in the booth at the International Transport Forum (ITF) Fair "By 2020, we want to make the environment Level Three in automation." (p.3). However, there are 6 levels of autonomous driving and level 3 automation is still not fully automated. An article states that a person needs to be around to in charge and keep track of the road surroundings or unexpected situations. Furthermore, the automobile industry target level 4 AVs in 2021 and the date for fully automated AVs are even further off. Therefore, I feel that building a fully automated AVs is very time-consuming.

In conclusion, Noble explains the trend in AVs and the safety precaution implemented for AVs. However, she did not mention about the negative impact of AVs. The article explains about the benefits that AVs brings briefing and did not mention the economic growth. Finally, Noble's explanation of the time required to build AVs is vague. Overall, the article is informative about their main points but there are areas the author fails to deliver.


Noble, L W (2019, July 8). Singapore revs up engines for autonomous vehicle race. Retrieved from: https://sbr.com.sg/transport-logistics/exclusive/singapore-revs-engines-autonomous-vehicle-race

Adrian, L (2016, May 14). Job loss looms but this bus driver has changed gear. Retrieved from: https://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/job-loss-looms-but-this-bus-driver-has-changed-gear

Skip, D (2018, June 27). Autonomous Vehicles to Have Huge Impact on Economy, Tech Sector. Retrieved from: https://www.govtech.com/fs/automation/Autonomous-Vehicles-to-Have-Huge-Impact-on-Economy-Tech-Sector.html

Rhodes, M G (2018, March 1). How Autonomous Is Your Vehicle? Retrieved from: https://aibusiness.com/autonomous-vehicle-selfdriving-classification/

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